Shipping Policy (Indonesian Territory)
- For items with in stock status , the delivery time for goods is starting from 4 (four) days.
- For items with out stock status , the delivery time for goods is from 30 (thirty) days.
- Customers will receive a goods delivery confirmation message 2 (two) days before the item is sent by phone / whatsapp
- For items that require installation services, our team will come and begin the installation process 3 (three) days after the item arrives.
- Goods shipping service is valid for Indonesia
- Changes to the shipping schedule can be asked via our customer service , which can be contacted at contact or listed here.
- Shipping service information is not available or off on religious holidays or national holidays.
Shipping Policy (Outside of Indonesia / International Territory)
- After completing the payment process, the customer will receive a receipt / tracking code that will be sent via email / telephone / whatsapp) within 1-2 weeks before the item is sent.
- To ask for information regarding the delivery schedule, customers can directly contact customer service at the number available on the website